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What is the best programming language when you develop an app?

The answer to the question of the best programming language for app development is very subjective, but at Nodes we use the following rule of thumb: The best language is the language with which the developer is most familiar. Our favorites are:

Objective C & X code

Even though there are languages ​​that are objectively better or worse, Objective-C is the standard programming language for Apple's iOS. This programming language is based on the familiar and highly respected coding language C, which is used on iPhones all over the world .

This is also the language that Apple officially recommends to iOS developers to use in conjunction with their IDE development Xcode , and it is an active language with community support and regular updates.

Swift & Vapor

As with all technology, there are new innovations and other languages ​​for Swift and Vapor every day , allowing developers to develop faster with the same results.

The latest hypermodern combination is made for speed and built with love. It has never been easier to publish an app after it was written. Heroku is one of the reasons why Vapor was one of the most popular GitHub projects in 2016 and 2017 .

C ++ & Java

For Android, C ++ is one of the most popular languages, along with Java . C ++ first appeared in the early 1980s, and Java is actually strongly influenced by C ++. But where C ++ was founded with the intention to run on a very low level mainly on desktop computers, Java was designed to run on all kinds of machines and was introduced in the mid-nineties.

Both languages ​​have an important history, which means that all major bugs and defects have long been removed and resolved, making them the ideal choice for both hobby projects and large enterprises.

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JavaScript, HTML5 & CSS

JavaScript also deserves an entry, along with HTML5 and CSS. This unit has been the most important tool of professional web developers for many years and today it is possible to make complete mobile apps with this golden combination.

The advantages of developing in these languages ​​are numerous, but the main reason why developers choose this stack is probably to be found in the fact that many web developers have switched to the development of apps, and these are the languages ​​they are already familiar with.

With the latest version of HTML5 it is even possible to develop a number of functions that were previously not possible for other languages. For example, only HTML5 and JS can use the fingerprint scanner in apps with just a few lines of code.


The last language on our list is also one of the newest. This popular runtime has been built using languages ​​that we have already covered, namely C, C ++ and JavaScript. And while JavaScript is a language for the customer, Node.js can perform both front-end and back-end tasks with great ease and performance.

What is interesting about Node.js , however, is that many people feel that it is a combination of the best qualities of these three languages, namely speed, efficiency and scalability.

In addition, Node.js is one of the safest runtime scripts for the server and is a popular choice for games, web apps and larger websites. Several modules and a large number of different services for simple launch and implementation are available.


Although there are hundreds of languages ​​available for the adventurous app developer, the languages ​​described above are by far the most common ones available.

And as always with every type of programming; although there may be newer, trending languages, the best language is ultimately the language that you know best.