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8 tips to improve programming skills and be a better developer

Everything is true, we live in an era where many experts in programming languages abound but there are not many programmers of the truth. APIs of the Java programming langandIt is relatively easy to understand keywords, methods uage, but at the same time it is difficult to solve real problems, design robust and reusable software and get the most out of the structure of the data and algorithms.

I have often seen programmers in Java having a hard time when they are asked to design and code in a short period of time despite being very good at the Java concepts and the whole theory. Even senior programmers with between 4 and 6 years of experience programming in Java sometimes fail when it comes to designing things like coffee machines, programming vending machines or even sometimes recursively investing in a linked list. The same I am deviating from the topic of how to be a better programmer but it is very important to know what the limitations are and try to find out how to polish them. If you have trouble chopping code, then you should click all the code you can ... If it stresses you and you feel lost designing when you use object-oriented analysis and design, then you should design using paper and pen as much as possible.

8 tips to improve programming skills and become a better programmer

To become a better programmer, you have to be really good in terms of data structure, algorithms, design using OOPS , multi-threaded and several other programming concepts, for example, recursion, divide and conquer, prototyping and unit tests.

Programming requires combining several skills or abilities , which means that it is not possible to learn to program in a short period of time. Rather it is a process that involves time and experience and will not happen automatically.

focus on theory rather than on basic programming skills . Few programmers practice the basicsof programming. If there was a mandatory programming exam on how to solve problems, I would bet that the average training of the programmers would be much better. Anyway, there goes my list of how to improve as a programmer :

1) Chop code: chop and chop and chop ...

Why do I place code in the first place on my list of tips? Because it is the most complicated and at the same time is the key aspect of programming . When you click code you realize the errors that you make when designing , in the management of bugs , in the creation of threads and then you return to each one of those skills to improve. You can not just dedicate yourself to the design of solutions, you have to program to produce an application, which is important to master to succeed. And since you are not even after solving a code problem, it is always better to discard your first development , which will almost always be a prototype, and it is your second development that should support the problems and functionalities that you lost sight of when programming this prototype.

2) Read programming books

Chopping code is easier said than done, and there is a big difference between a good code and a poor code. This is obvious, but how can you tell them apart? Until you see a good code with your own eyes it is difficult to really understand the difference ... And this is when the books are very useful since most of the time the authors are great programmers . They offer all their experience in the form of a book. I love books, but there is one that has helped me especially, Clean Code by Uncle Bob. When reading this book I discovered flaws in my code and how to solve it thanks to the advice it offers. My personal advice is that if you can get hold of programming books, do not hesitate. I also recommend reading more classic books and use them as reference books. Another very useful book is Joshua Bloch's Effective Java , which is packed with good advice. It's on my list of essential books for Java programmers . Also, as you read, you are learning from another person's experience, and there are only two ways to improve: either through your own experience (which is limited) or through the experience of others (which is unlimited). Remember that the one that covers a lot of little squeezes, instead of reading 5 books, it is better to read 2 that really serve you several times.

3) Contribute to Open Source and sign up for mailing lists

If you contribute to open source projects, especially Apache, Google and some others is another way to improve your skills as a programmer. The simple fact of signing up for mailing lists and following the debates and the news shows you a lot . Because most of the discussions are between good programmers, by paying attention to them you understand the problems and the focus they give them, the solutions and points of view, etc ... Over time you will automatically acquire good programming habits. To get the most out of them, ask questions, give your point of view if you can, but also weigh and ponder the points of view of others.

4) Practice the data structure, Algorithms and the problems related to the design

I was going to put this point in second place but in the end it's the fourth ... In my opinion this is one of the most critical things when it comes to becoming a better programmer. Most of the good programmers I've seen and known are really good at data structure, algorithms and fundamentals . By mastering them, you can get the most out of everything that is available. Because the structure of the data is a fundamental part of any program, its domain is very useful when solving problems. Likewise, a solid knowledge of programming principles, search and sorting algorithms, and other typical algorithms help you improve your skills as a programmer.

5) Read good blogs

Reading good blogs is like reading a small part of a book. How can reading blogs help you become a better programmer? Well, it just does it. Because most blogs are written by programmers and most give their personal opinion, their experience is often relevant . In addition, blogs are small information pills so they digest well. The blogs also help to learn about new technologies and about the novelties of the languages and APIs that already exist . I have often seen subtle things or things that I have overlooked from some aspect really known in Java described in a small post on a blog.

6) Read code

If reading blogs helps you become a better programmer, reading code helps you even more . The problem is that reading blogs is much easier than reading code. Are you sick? Well then you have to insist. Read code of open source projects , the code of your fellow programmers , your own proprietary code, code of the Java SDK and try to understand why and how they work. Look for patterns, develop your ability to browse and search for things ... At first you will find it boring and difficult, but over time you will develop a good sense of the code, which will put you on guard when you make a mistake when you chop and help others find bugs Having a good sense of the code is a sign of being a good programmer. They see what others overlook .

7) Write unit tests

Unit tests complement the process of thinking and chopping the code, and consequently it helps you design your applications better . Anything that is difficult to prove can be improved . In addition, when doing unit tests , improvements when doing abstractions, interfaces and improves the code in general. But just like designing and chipping code, doing unit tests is also an arduous job for the average programmer and will most likely prove complex. Some programmers make trivial tests instead of doing tests thinking about the true use that the user is going to make of that application . Remember that there is no substitute for testingsince it makes you think of the application from a global point of view in a user scenario. It is another opportunity to find errors and gaps in your code.

8) Check code

Like unit tests and testing, revising code is another thing that can be good for you when it comes to improving as a programmer. The code review is something beneficial for both the author and the reviewer . The reviewer takes a good sense of the code in the long run and is in an optimal place to give genuine advice, while the author learns from his mistakes. Sometimes a code that you think is perfect has bugs that only clean eyes of a third party can see. Four eyes see more than two . If you work in a company that does unit tests and software testing, checking the code already makes you a better programmer.